Angel Răducanu
ANGEL RĂDUCANU is a researcher at the Center for Innovation and Operations Management at Stockholm School of Economics and is one of the leading authorities within lean and operational excellence.
The investment you make in recruiting and developing your people is undermined when you struggle to inspire, activate or retain your top performers.
What do you want to improve today?
Personal Consulting, Communications & Leadership Mastery?

Time/ Life Managment
I want to double my productivity and free time

Performance Management
I want to reach my goals and increase my profit

The first one is always “on the house”. You determine the day, time & I’ll take it from thereNunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta.

Sales & persuation
I want to increase sales, customer base and make more money
We have always considered success to be measured by the value that you leave behind.
That is why my vision is to help improve people’s lives in the communities they live in.
And they, in their turn, contribute to improving the lives of other people. Who in turn do the same in their communities.
I have remained a student of growth and personal development because my success is limited only by my level of evolution and I can never offer more than I do.
Why? Because they have the power to transform individuals, connect communities, catalyze companies, and develop countries.
I know we all have great potential that we can grow to achieve welfare. And I also know that this is not happening accidentally.
The role I have assumed is to support you on your journey to your best version and to achieve a meaningful and fulfilled life.
Because you deserve!

Until we can manage our time, we can not handle anything else.
All successful people are very productive because they value their time and use it very efficiently. Time Management is not a perfessional skill, it is the most important skill we have or we gain; the quality and the “length” of life depend on the way we deal with time..
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TIME KISS – Keep It Significant & Simple
TIME KISS – Keep It Significant & Simple

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